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4 May 2016, by Emmanuel Dreyfus -
4 May 2016, by Emmanuel Dreyfusregistration
Please register directly on the IESC Cargese website First create an account on the IESC Cargese website. You will receive a password. Fill the pre-registration information here again and submit a poster to the poster-session (not mandatory)
Depending on availability, your registration will be confirmed by May 30th, and you will receive information on how to complete administrative registration (including your travel plans) and proceed to payment of registration fees.
Once (…) -
4 May 2016, by Emmanuel DreyfusThe payment should be done in two steps: Registration fees. The fulfillment of this payment step will validate the registration up to the allowed maximum of 75 participants. Lodging fees (including lunches and coffee breaks) should be payed on-site to the IESC
Registration fees
Registration fees include: Participation to the whole workshop Transportation from and to Ajaccio airport (official shuttle bus only) Workshop dinner Please note that lodging is not included in the fees. (…) -
Practical information
4 May 2016, by Emmanuel DreyfusImportant dates Registration deadline 30st of May Validation by committee 30th of May Payment deadline 6th of July Arrival in Cargèse (Corsica) Monday, August 6th 2018 MEPHiSTO Summer school August 7th morning- August 17th noon Leaving Cargèse (Corsica) Saturday, August 18th Arrival - Departure
Attendees should reach the IESC in Cargèse on monday, the 6th of August, afternoon.
The simplest way is to use the MEPHiSTO shuttle which will bring participants from Ajaccio airport to (…) -
3 May 2016, by Emmanuel DreyfusThe School was aimed primarily to PhD students, postdocs, and other young scientists wishing to broaden and deepen their knowledge or to identify new research opportunities. A strong emphasis was put on basic concepts with several classes reviewing classical mechanics and physics. In order to keep the lectures as tutorial as possible, the 20 academic lecturers gave 2-3 talks.
Here is a feedback from 46 participants (out of 65) :
The school included Main lecture courses (1h20 long, (…) -
3 May 2016, by Emmanuel DreyfusThe aim of the international Summer School on «MEchanics and Physics of STrechable Objects (MEPHiSTO)» is to provide PhD students and researchers with a new wider point of view in research by a series of lectures given by the best international specialists in the emerging domains at the interface between mechanics and physics: material failure, non-linear mechanics and instabilities, complex and network multi-scale materials.
Together with the recent development of enhanced experimental (…)