The School was aimed primarily to PhD students, postdocs, and other young scientists wishing to broaden and deepen their knowledge or to identify new research opportunities.
A strong emphasis was put on basic concepts with several classes reviewing classical mechanics and physics. In order to keep the lectures as tutorial as possible, the 20 academic lecturers gave 2-3 talks.
Here is a feedback from 46 participants (out of 65) :

The school included
- Main lecture courses (1h20 long, including questions).
- Some "experimental lectures" based on a series of table-top experimental demonstrations by the speakers, with experiments available to the students during coffee breaks.
- flash presentations for posters, and poster sessions.
- ample time for discussion (coffee breaks, meals, and a long afternoon break)
Academic talks
Basics mechanics/physics
- Continuum Mechanics - Pedro Reis (EPFL) - 3 lectures
- Experimental techniques in mechanics/physics of solids - François Hild (ENS Saclay) - 3 lectures
- Thermomechanics of dissipative processes in continuum media - Djimedo Kondo (Sorbonne Université) - 3 lectures
- Statistical physics and phase transitions - Eric Vanden-Eijnden (NYU) - 3 lectures
- Non-linear phenomena and bifurcation theory - Stephan Fauve (ENS, Paris) - 3 lectures
Material failure and friction
- Brittle and ductile fracture G. Ravi-Chandar (Austin, USA) - 2 lectures
- Dynamic fracture and friction - Jay Fineberg (Hebrew Univ Jerusalem, Israël)- 2 lectures
- Fracture and adhesion of soft solids - Tristan Baumberger (Sorbonne Université, France – I2CAM) (2 lectures)
- Earthquake mechanics Harsha Bhat (ENS-Paris, France – I2CAM) (2 lectures)
- Phase field methods and application to fracture mechanics Alain Karma (Northeastern University) (2 lectures)
- plasticity of metals - Irene Beyerlein (UC Santa Barbara, USA) - 2 lectures
- mechanics of plasticity in amorphous solids - Anne Tanguy (INSA Lyon, France) and Michael Falk (Johns Hopkins, USA – I2CAM)- 3 lectures
Complex materials and ``extreme mechanics’’
- Mechanics of emulsions and granular solids - Jasna Brujic (NYU, USA - I2CAM) - 2 lectures
- Mechanics of polymeric solids - 2 lectures
- Slender structures - Marcelo Dias (Aarhus University, Denmark) and Benoit Roman (ESPCI, France- I2CAM) - 2 lectures
Classes started on August 7th in the morning and end on August 17th.
Participants were expected to reach Ajaccio or Cargèse by August 6th,
and left Cargèse on the 18th morning.
Here is a pdf of the Program
Here is the feedback from students regarding the program :